Monday, April 21, 2008

Web Essay Progress

Organizing my Research Blog

Research Question:
How has the internet allowed socially marginalized groups, such as Anorexics and Bulimics, to connect and support themselves?

-Introduction: Introduction:

According to, there are hundreds of websites devoted to Anorexia that do not prevent the behavior. Instead, these websites promote it and offer tips in maintaining the illness.
Through the use of search engines such as and, hundreds of websites can be found that promote Anorexia. These websites allow people from different parts of the world to connect in order to exchange diet tips, pictures, videos, poetry and advice. On the internet, this phenomenon is known as “thinspiration”.

The ideology of Thinspiration is expressed and shared through the means of independent promotional websites such as and social networks such as,,, and, Such networks allow users to form communities in which they can interact with one another without having to leave the comfort of their home. Many of the users cover their faces in pictures in order to keep their identity anonymous.

Without the internet, communities such as these could not exist. People can easily speak to each other through means of internet and exchange countless ideas in order to support such habits and lifestyle. Without the internet, people would have to network face to face. This would allow their identities to be revealed. Because the topic of anorexia is taboo, people with this eating disorder have difficulty expressing their views and thoughts about their lifestyle without wearing a disguise. Through the internet, an anorexic person can find reassurance in their unhealthy habit by means of thinspirational networking. Through the internet, anorexics can join support groups that promote their lifestyle. Without the internet, anorexics would have a harder time finding reassurance in their lifestyles because society considers their habits as destructive.

Page 1- What are Pro-Thinsporational Websites?

Pro-Thinsporational websites are created to encourage and promote eating disorders such as Anorexia and Bulimia. There are two types of Pro Anorexic and Pro Bulimic Websites

1)Social Networks and Online Communities, and ,,, and are some of today's most popular social networks. They allow are online communities. Within these websites, people can sign up as actual members (free of charge) and create profiles.

On these websites, anorexics and bulimics can connect to each other instantly. They are able to add people as friends and send private messages, public comments, write journal entries and recieve feedback on their writings. They are allowed to post pictures, upload music, listen to music, watch videos online ect. Through joining a subgroup, members are able to communicate with people across the globe that share their common interests. Facebook,Myspace and Xanga allows people who do not know much about javascripts and html codes, to create their own webpage.
2) Independent Pro Ana/Mia Domains

Apart from social networks such as and are websites such as and . These websites are created by individual people who have knowledge in html, javascripts and web design. These websites are less interactive and provide more information on maintating eating disorders.

Most of these websites target young women. These sites consist of similar content which consists of links to Body Mass Index calculators , tips and tricks to prevent weight gain, and hundreds of images of thin men and women.

Page 2 Common Content found in Anorexic and Bulimic Websites
1. Anonymity
Many of the creators of these websites, refuse to reveal their identity. Because these people suffer from low self esteem, they fear ridicule and judgement . Therefore,despite decision to reveal their daily routines and most intimate thoughts. they do not reveal their identity to the public. This allows Anorexics and Bulimics to feel a type of acceptance and reassurance in a society on the internet, that would otherwise be considered unhealthy and shameful in meat space.
2. Conflicting Messages.

Before entering the main page of many independent anorexic domains, there are warnings displayed that tell a person to turn back if they will be offended by the content. This is the same type of entrance page seen on many pornographic websites.

Many, if not all, of these websites describe the risk factors involved with eating disorders. Ironically, these websites also list reasons why a person should continue living as an anorexic or bulimic. This is because many anorexic and bulimics know the risk of their disease. They are perfectionist theirfore they know what can happen to them. Because this is a disease, knowing the factors is not enough to stop them. It can be compared to smokers, many smokers know that they are more likely to get lung cancer, yet they continue to smoke.

An example of this can be found in . The link describes the dangers of the eating disorder, yet another link on their page includes tips to encourage their way of life. The unknown writer states about fifty seven reasons why a person should continue living their lifestyle. Some of the reasons stated refer to how important it is to stay thin so that the anorexic and/or bulimic person can be remembered as the “beautiful thin one”. Another reason refers to how boys or men will look at an anorexic or bulimic with attraction because they will not be scared away by the amount of fat on the anorexic and/or bulimic person’s body. Thinness is also emphasized as an attractive feature because the writer claims that the chances of being carried by a boy or man is more likely if a person is not heavy.

3.Rules, Tips and Tricks to Starvation

Within these websites, starvation is referred to as an act of strength and will power. The main purpose for these websites is to provide a support group for those people who live with the eating disorder. The lifestyle is basically viewed as it's own religion. Some sites include an "Ana Creed" , "Ana Psalm", "commandments" and even "Ana Recipes" (which describe the qualities one must posses in order to be considered at true anorexic and bulimic). The qualities one must posses include low self esteem and determination to keep up with the lifestyle of starving.

4. Images of Thin Celebrities The yearning for "perfection" is a common trait amongst those who suffer from eating disorders.People with these eating disorders have low self esteem . When they view pictures of thin celebrities, they see beauty and perfection. Therefore as a discouragement against weight gain, photos of thin celebrities are often found in these websites.

Photos of celebrities such as Nicole Ricci, Paris Hilton, Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan are carefully critiqued in these web pages. Underneath these images or within these images are captions about their weight loss . These praise the amount of weight loss by these celebrities and encourage users to follow the same diet plans that these celebrities used. . Posting images of thin celebrities, defines the anorexic/ bulimic standards of beauty.

5. Images of Everyday People Who Suffer from Anorexia and Bulimia
Though there are pictures of celebrities, more and more women and men are sharing their pictures on the internet. They document their weightloss through online journals and blogs. Some of them have video diaries attached to these websites in which you can actually see their weightloss progress. Again, many of these people refuse to reveal their identities, therefore they cover their faces.

6) Reverse Thinspo
Reverse Thinspo content promotes eating disorders through the use of reverse pyschology. These websites and videos display obesity and pictures of food with music playing in the background. The purpose of such videos is to allow a viewer to feel disgusted with the amount of food that he or she is seeing. Once a viewer sees the consequences of eating too much, he or she is left to decide whether or not they want to continue eating. Such websites were created to make a person feel guilty about eating and fear the consequences of obesity.
These links are for educational purposes to unveil the secret society of the socially marginalized groups of anorexics and bulimics on the internet. These are the types of videos and websites that influence many people with eating disorders.

There are more extreme websites, but I don't feel I need to link the partial pornographic reverse thinspo websites.

The links to this content may contain partial nudity and may be offensive to some viewers.
Page 3-Controversy on Pro Anorexic Websites

Through social networks such as,,, and online journals such as and, promoting eating disorders has been easier than ever. Through these websites, many people are able to communicate with each other and support each other in a lifestlye that would be otherwise thought of as unacceptable.

According to, "Charities involved with eating disorders have called for tighter controls on the Internet after it emerged that popular social-networking sites such as MySpace and YouTube were being used to promote anorexia." The growing increase in the popularity of these websites have caused much controversy due to the deadly lifestyle that proana/promia members are promoting. Such a controversy proposes the question, "Should these this type of content in popular social networks be banned?"

In a journalist by the name of Helen Nugent, wrote an article entitled "Social network sites are urged to ban ‘hardcore’ anorexia videos". This article was published online in August 10,2007. In reference to Facebook and Myspace she writes:

"On Facebook, some groups extol the virtues of anorexia as a lifestyle choice. MySpace’s groups include one that has more than 1,000 members. Its rules state: “No people trying to recover. It ruins our motivation.”

Because of the internet, marginalized social groups have found a way to connect and support their lifestlyes without ever having to leave the comfort of their home. The danger in this is that their is a growing number of teens who are suffering and dying from anorexia. In reality, is there really a way to ban these websites? Though these websites are dangerous, there are also website on the internet that promote racism, group suicide, murder etc.

According to Nugent's article on TimesOnline, this is what one representative of an Eating Disorder organization had to say about banning such websites:

"Deanne Jade, principal of the National Centre for Eating Disorders, said:
“I have no firm view that YouTube should ban them, they only pop up again in a different guise."

Though people find these websites disturbing, trying to ban these cites are nearly impossible.

These featured online newsarticles were found on a proanorexia site that had a section dedicated to online news in reference to Anorexia. The site is called "Proanorexia" and the link to their news section is

Page 4- Growing Popularity of Anorexia and Bulimia Websites
Access to computers is more common than the past decades. The internet has revolutionized the way people live in modern society. According to, the estimated percentage of American internet users are 90.0 %. "Population is based on data contained in the US Census Bureau. ". With 90% of the American Population having access to the internet, it is important for parents to monitor what types of activity their children are participating in. According to, "In the period between 2001 and 2003 pro-eating disorder sites began appearing on the Internet and despite attempts to remove them many pro-anorexia and bulimia sites remain accessible and most users are able to find them and pro-recovery sites by doing chance searches" (

Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital blame Growing popularity of pro-eating disorder sites as the cause for the increase in eating disorders amongst children as young as ten years old. (
Their concluded that only "half of the parents surveyed said they were aware of web sites promoting eating disorders, only 28 percent had ever discussed such sites with their child and only 20 percent said they placed limits on their child's Internet use" (

Page 5- Prevention and Help
A. Dangers of Anorexic and Bulimic Websites -
The danger in these websites, is that those who suffer from eating disorders are able to find comfort in their self destructive behaviour. Through these websites, they are reassured that their lifestyles are normal and are acceptable in a secret society. Being submersed in these images or thin women or reverse thinspo (images of food and obesity) are enough to trigger disguist within a highly impressionable viewer and encourages a person to starve or throw up his or her food. For people to join online communities and groups that advocate eating disorders, suffers are able to feel as if they are a part of a greater cause. With the support of others, they find acceptance and comfort in their lifestyle and choices.

According to, "People with an Eating Disorders often feel neglected, or like they need attention. They can feel unheard or invisible (and sometimes in realtime life they want to have their emotions be invisible). If they are competing for attention in a negative environment, it can lead to negative attention seeking -- negative behaviors -- competition to be the thinnest or the sickest to get that negative attention. " This is why many of the proanorexic and bulimic websites emphasize outward appearance. They focus of the websites is usually on the physical level and encourages people to hurt themselves in order to be beautiful.
These websites tell anorexics and bulimics that their self value can be measured by the size of their jeans and the number on the weighing scale.

For many anorexics and bulimics, their lifestyle revolves around self control and isolation. They are able to isolate themselves by staying on the computer and are able to control what they view on the internet, They control the type of images they want to see in order to encourage weightloss and discourage eating. They control the amount of food they consume in order to control their weight.

B.Effects of Anorexia:
(The following image was taken from and does not violate any copyright laws)

C.Effects of Bulimia:

(The following image was taken from and does not violate any copyright laws)

D.What can we do to help those who are suffering?

Page 6- My Personal Experience with Wikipedia When Updating their Information on Pro Ana Websites.

In March of 2008, I attempted to update the entry that Wikipedia had in reference to websites that promote eating disorders. This was the entry that I posted:

== Promotional Websites ==
There are also independent "thinspo" promotional websites that have surfaced the internet over the past decade. These domains are specifically created to promote eating disorders (though sometimes are disguised as "anti-ana" and "anti-mia" with disclaimers written in the main pages) and often include the following:

*gossip about thin celebrities followed by pictures of them at different weights in their life

*links to websites of various diets and weight control products such as "Hoodia Lollipops"*starvation tips

*products that are sold to promote anorexia and bulimia, such as a "pro thinspo piggy bank" (every time a person wants to eat, they put their money in the piggy bank as a reminder to diet)

*links to music, lyrics and musicians that relate to body image and encourage weight loss*poetry and stories related to anorexia and bulimia

*pictures of not only celebrities, but men and women from different countries that suffer from eating disorders

*pictures of food and obesity to discourage people from eating.Such websites are not affiliated with online groups such as [[Xanga]], [[LiveJournal]], [[Facebook]] and [[Myspace]].

I soon found out that Wikipedia allows people to delete your entries if they disagree with what you are saying. Some contributors of Wikipedia closely monitor what is written on the sites. I also found out that my entries were banned and my IP address was banned from making any further changes to their content. I could no longer create a user name and no longer write anymore entries.

Wikipedia is strict when it comes to censorship. They viewed my reference to diet tips as promotional fluff and believed that I was advertising for other websites. I felt that this was unfair because the reality of these websites had to be exposed. Later on, I found out that someone contributed a similar entry to Wikipedia as the one I wrote. Their entry was saved and not edited or taken down.

Maybe this was because I was a new user. Maybe this was because they felt I was promoting Anorexia . In reality, I was trying to expose some of the content found within Pro Anorexic Websites.

Page 7-Short Story I wrote about a girl struggling with Bulimia

Glossy Eyed Sandra
“I’ll never do it again” she thought, as she pulled her hair back and wiped her sour lips with toilet paper. Her face cringed in disgust as she stared at remnants of her Caesar salad swimming, floating, and then sinking to the bottom of her favorite wishing well. Who would have thought this habit would be so hard to break?

Wearing only her grey cotton sports bra and panties, she stood in front of the mirror. Her sclera was covered with small scarlet veins. As she analyzed the reflection of her half naked body, her crimson veined eyes glossed up with tears. She hated this guilt, this habit, this disease.
Seventeen year old Sandra has been struggling with low self esteem since she was a young child. Everyday time she stares at a plate of food, voices of her aunts echo in her mind.

She never forgot the first day she felt worthless. It was at the family Christmas party when she was five years old. Sandra was excited to wear her brand new red velvet dress, the kind of dress that little girls wore with ruffles on the shoulders and a black bow that tied in the back. Sandra lined up with her two skinny cousins and made her way to the buffet line. As she walked pass her aunts they stared at her with a disapproving frowns. Being the typical weight conscious Filipino aunts that they were, they stared at the amount of food on Sandra’s plate.

“Sandra cheeks are getting too big.Are you going to really eat a second serving of food”, said Auntie Emms.

“Yeah Sandra, why don’t you just give that piece of cake to your cousin Melanie or else you won’t be able to fit in your new dress next month. That’s Melanie’s favorite flavored cake anyways” said Sandra’s mom in agreement with her sister, Emms.

In embarrassment, she dropped her plate and ran to her room crying as she locked the door behind her. That night she prayed to God that she would wake up thinner. At five years old, Sandra learned that herself value was measured by the size of her pants and dreaded numbers on her weighing scale. Eating became an act of shame. Sandra refused to eat in front of anyone.

In middle school, thirteen year old Sandra discovered the benefits of bulimia. With the evolution of the internet, she was always on the family computer. There she decided to join an online social network called Xanga. Through Xanga she joined an online community called “Mia loves Me”. “Mia” was a nickname for bulimia. .Every day she would check her email and communicate with girls across the world who also hated their bodies. Sandra and her internet friends updated their online journals on a daily basis. There Sandra would read about their weight loss journeys. She was given tips and tricks on how to stay thin and found comfort in poetry and pictures of celebrities that promoted bulimia. Sandra quickly found support she longed for on the internet and believed that sacrificing food was a glorious act of willpower.

Putting her knowledge into practice, she decided to test out her new found tips at a family party. After eating dinner she ran to the bathroom. There she was kneeling in front of her wishing well. She prayed at that toilet for a miracle. She wanted a sane mind. She wanted satisfaction. She wanted to be thin. She contemplated on whether or not she should stick her finger down her throat .She must have been thinking in front of that holy shrine for at least half an hour.

“Hurry up Sandra, I need to pee!” cried Melanie.

“Ok, I’m almost done” yelled Sandra.

Sandra turned on the hot water so the sounds of her gagging would be muffled. Feeling satisfied after purging out impurities, she flushed the toilet, washed her hands and brushed her teeth. This was her new ritual. She knew it could be glorious. She had the support of her friends online. She had the pressure of her family weighing her down. All she wanted was to reach her goal of being as thin as her cousins.

After a year of her secret bond with bulimia, friends and family began to praise her for her weight loss. Her jeans were looser. Her shirts were baggier. She discovered her collar bones for the first time.

In high school, she was the president of her junior class. She was popular, loved and idolized. Nobody in school knew she had a deadly habit. Nobody knew her gums were aching from the daily stomach acid that burned her tooth enamel. Nobody knew she had a dangerously high blood pressure. She only realized how bad her lifestyle was getting when she collapsed at fourth period in her gym class after running two miles for her end of the year fitness test.

Three months of therapy passed. After gaining enough weight, she was finally released. It was torture, being forced to eat in front of nurses and peers. So of course, she was excited to go home. For the first time since April, she ate dinner with her family in her dining room. When dessert was ready, she excused herself and said she needed to check her email. Again she read letters from her Mia sisters. One email stated:

Dear SandMia86,
I haven’t heard from you in months. I hope you are well. I know it’s tough. But you can’t overcome this struggle with being fat. Never give up on your weight loss journey. Beauty comes with a price. It’s about will power girl. Sometimes we have to sacrifice in order to reach our goals. You’ve come along way. You’re so thin. You’re so beautiful. Keep it up.

After reading the letter, Sandra ran to the basement bathroom, near the home office. She stood in front of that toilet, glossy eyed once again. With tears dripping faster than the hot water running from the faucet, she held her hair back. She stuck her finger down her throat, and with her glossy eyes closed, she vowed to never do this again.

Page 8 External Links

-Sources used in this Web Essay

Page 9 Works Cited

Catan, Thomas. "Online Anorexia Sites Shut Down Amid Claims They Glorify Starvation."

TIMES ONLINE. 22 Nov. 2007. Times Newspapers Ltd. 5 Apr. 2008

Fading Obsession Fading to Perfection My Faithful Obsession. Ed. Mandi Faux. 2008. 1 Mar. 2008

Medical Studies/Trials. "Internet Exacerbates Problems of Anorexia and Bulimia in Teens." News-Medical.Net. 4 Dec. 2006. News-Medical.Net. 2 Apr. 2008

Murphy, Melinda. "Anorexia Fight Moves To Web." CBS News. 11 Oct. 2005. CBS Interactive Inc. 16 Mar. 2008 .
Nugent, Helen. "Social Network Sites are Urged to Ban ‘Hardcore’ Anorexia Videos." TIMES

ONLINE. 10 Aug. 2007. Times Newspapers Ltd. 15 Mar. 2008

Pro Ana Mia. Vers. 6.9. 2006. PHPBB Group. 28 Feb. 2008

ProAnorexia Home Page. 2007. 2 Apr. 2008

"Pro-Anorexia Website Warnging." ITN. 4 Feb. 2008. Independent Television News Limited. 1 Apr. 2008

"Pro-Anorexia Websites." Healthy Eating Disorders Community. 2008. 1 Apr. 2008

Pro-Thinspo. 2007. ProThinspo Incorporated. 22 Mar. 2008

Something-Fishy Websites on Eating Disorders. Ed. Amy and Tony. 2008. The Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders. 8 Apr. 2008

U.S. Census Bureau. Feb. 2008. U.S. Census Bureua. 21 Apr. 2008

Wolfe, Barbara. "Anorexia Nervosa." WomensHealth.Gov. 2006. 12 Apr. 2008

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